Friday 28 September 2012

28th September 2012 Wajima

Arrived Haneda on time and caught internal flight to a calm, hot and sunny Wajima where we walked to the harbour and park. Evening at supermarket.

Japanese Cormorant 1
Grey Heron 3
Spot-billed Duck 1
Black-eared Kite c.50
Black-tailed Gull c.50
Rufous Turtle Dove 1
Red-rumped Swallow c.6
Black-backed Wagtail 10
Brown-eared Bulbul c.8
Blue Rock Thrush 3 (2 red-bellied males)
Eastern Great Tit c.8
Japanese White-eye c.12
Large-billed Crow c.50
Tree Sparrow c.10

Juvenile Black-eared Kites at Wajima

First-winter Black-tailed Gull at Wajima

Japanese Cormorant at Wajima
Endemic to East Asia with more extensive white facial patch than Great Cormorant. Also, it has less yellow facial skin that forms a sharp point at the gape.

Dragonfly at Wajima